July 21, 2023
Zapya File Transfer
Download Zapya latest from our website now. Zapya is a software that is being used for Wifi File transfer. With the help of Zapya, you can transfer files from Laptop to Mobile with fast speed. If you want to get rid of cable and card readers. Then this is very nice and fast speedy software.
Why To Zapya For PC
If you are here, then you should have heard about one of the best and cool ways to transfer files from one platform to another which is Zapya for pc, wirelessly. To tell about Zapya for pc is that it is more than better and the most fabulous part of Zapya for pc app is that, it can transfer files across all OS platforms, such as Android, Windows Phone, iOS, and others. Zapya for pc doesn’t need to connect to any kind of WiFi and as well as data of mobile. Download Zapya for Laptops is faster than Bluetooth between two devices. Zapya for pc it has got a huge response all over the world. Over 100 million users are making use of this Zapya for pc application. The transfer speed of zapya for pc is quickly fast, the transfer speed is up to 10MB/second.

Zapya for pc does not use any kind of data to transfer files. Zapya for pc is a far better alternative than Bluetooth, NFC, or AirDrop. Zapya for pc not only lets you transfer files, but also zapya for pc will let you play games locally with other players, via the zapya for pc app. So, do you want to download this awesome file-sharing app and become one of them? Then let’s go to fetch Zapya on your Windows laptop/pc. If you have a mac pc, then download Zapya for a mac pc. Download Zapya for Laptop
Installation and File Types
The most important feature of zapya for pc is that, it automatically can install itself on your friend’s devices, on its own without troubling you. Zapya for pc is a very smart app comparing others and it does not require any downloads separately. In zapya for pc applications, one can transfer any kind of file, such as applications, music, photos, or almost everything else. Some games that come with Zapya for pc are YoYo and PaPaPa, apart from many others that can be installed via this app. Download zapya for pc.
Features of Download Zapya for Laptop:-
Zapya for pc has tons and tons of features. Download Zapya for Laptop has a free and self-contained sharing network feature. Zapya for pc allows you to transfer files without any kind of data network or any kind of wifi connection. No data usage, No internet needed for using zapya for pc. Unlimited wireless sharing in zapya for pc, you can also share files from phone to phone (Between Android, iOS, and Windows Pc/phone), phone to PC/Mac without cables. Transfer Any File with Any Size, Zapya can share photos, music, video, apps, PDFs, and any other file types with unlimited file sizes. Amazing transferring speed in zapya for pc, 200 times Bluetooth speed! (Speed will be affected by the equipment & the surrounding).
Zapya 2.6 free download
Zapya 2.6 free download thoroughly defeats BlueTooth/ NFC/ AirDrop. Zapya for pc is far better than all you know. Group Sharing in zapya for pc, Multiple files of all types can be sent at once to a group of friends (Up to 5 simultaneously, PC up to 64). Imaging, and transferring party photos and videos to your nearby friends within seconds are the core features of zapya for pc. Download Zapya for Windows with a direct download link and save your time with software786.com.